When the Roman Empire collapsed, the Franks emerged in 476 AD, as the dominant force in Western Europe. The 'Franks' were made up of a group of tribes, living north and east of the Lower Rhine River in Western Germany. Clovis the First extended his territory by conquest, with the aid of the peasant farmers who owed military service to the noble land owners.

This system of land holding and service may have formed the basis of the European feudalism. By the year 540 AD the Franks ruled most of the old Roman province of Gaul (modern-day France). 'Franks' mean 'free' as the Franks of Gaul were free of taxation.
The ruling family, known as the Merovingian dynasty us named after Clovis's grandfather Merovaeus. Clovis became a Christian and made Paris his capital city. The Holy Roman Emperor, Charlemagne, was king from 768 to 814. After his death the Frankish empire began to break up.
Carolingian Script
The Frankish king Charlemagne introduced this writing called "Carolingian Script", which was easier for people to read and write.
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