Pulp is the innermost layer of a tooth. It consists of connective tissue, blood vessels and nerves. The blood vessels nourish the tooth. The nerves transmit sensations of pain to the brain.
Dentine is a hard, yellow substance that surrounds the pulp. It makes up most of a tooth. Dentine is harder than bone. It consists mainly of mineral salts and water but also has some living cells.
Enamel overlays the dentine in the crown of the tooth. It forms the outermost covering of the crown. Enamel is the hardest tissue in the body. It enables a tooth to withstand the pressure placed on it during chewing.
Cementum overlays the dentine in the root of the tooth. In most cases, the cementum and enamel meet where the root ends and the crown begins. As the surface of tooth wears away, the tooth grows father out of its socket, exposing the root.
Invisible Teeth Braces
Sometimes teeth grow crookedly or become overcrowded in the month. This can be put right by wearing teeth braces. Braces consist of metal or clear ceramic brackets that are banded on the front surface of each tooth connected by wires.
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